For fitness, friendship and a good cause: cycling is different


March 23, 2020


Here at Supernova we are all enthusiastic bicycle fans. As an employee, I think it's great that Supernova sponsors not only professionals, but also hobby drivers like me.


As a member of our little New Zealand team, I was recently supported by Supernova together with David 'Dynamo' Bagshaw to drive a charity tour along New Zealand's most famous bike path, the 300-kilometer Alps2ocean Cycle Trail. This begins in the New Zealand Alps and ends at the Pacific Ocean. David and I collected donations for World Bicycle Reliefwhose aid project stable Buffalo bikes for people in rural areas Africa. With her donation, Supernova was able to Buffalo Bike Send to Africa! This bike will now enable a child to drive safely to school and will also help his family get water and drive products to the market. The Alps2ocean ride was made by Craig Shipton from 25000spins Organized that carries out cool charity tours all over the world. It is good for fitness, friendship and a good cause! If you dream of cycling in New Zealand, take a look at the following photos of the tour.

The first day was a 98 km drive from turquoise Lake Tekapo to Lake Ohau, who lies in an untouched alpine valley surrounded by dramatic glacier mountains.It started from Lake Ohau shortly before dusk. Our brilliant Airstream 2 illuminated the stony trail, which led steeply upwards. Looking back from Tarnbrae High Point, you could catch a look from Mount Cook, the highest mountain of New Zealand. When we approached civilization, the Supernova team made a detour on gravel roads.

Here the dramatic protrudeClay Cliffs from the valley floor.

The landscape changed during the days. We left the snow -covered mountains behind and drove through long valleys with wide rivers.On the last day, the trail led partly through a disused railway tunnel. A group of drivers followed close to us to use the light of our bright Airstream 2.

Finally, after five days, the Supernova team reached the operational port city of Oamaru: somewhat tired, but in a high mood.


We thank the photographerRyan McCutcheon, Trent Watson and Byan Rowe as well as the organizer of the tour, Craig Shipton of 25000spins for permission to use the photos of the tour.


You can find a YouTube video from the tour HERE.

Text: Mary Jaksch | Images: Ryan McCutcheon, Trent Watson, Byan Rowe

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