Das Atlas Mountain Race 2024 - Zauberhaft, aber unberechenbar!

The Atlas Mountain Race 2024 - Enchanting, yet unpredictable!


The start being postponed due to heavy rain and the race being partially redirected to alternate routes. Conditions varying from damp to dry, with sandy air prevailing. The Atlas Mountain Race truly offers an experience that engages all the senses. It is an enchanting yet unpredictable journey through old mule tracks, rough gravel, and green oases.

As a monument for the off-road bikepacking scene, this race presents one of the most unpredictable mountainbike challenges one can face within a week of racing. Spanning over 1,300 kilometers and featuring more than 21,000 meters of elevation gain, it sets the stage for many unexpected twists and turns.

The race takes place far away from civilization, making logistics a significant challenge for participants. Steep trails reaching up to 2,600 meters and then descending again create extraordinary race dynamics and unforeseen developments. Simply completing this race is a remarkable achievement, and this year, only slightly more than half of the riders—138 out of 226 starters—reached the finish line. It's worth mentioning that many of them were equipped with SUPERNOVA lighting :)

Now, let's dive into some of the most remarkable stories from the race. Enjoy!

Nearly untouchable on his third attempt - Justinas Leveika dominates in his own league in 2024

After crashing in his first attempt in 2022 and finishing second last year, Justinas emerged as the winner this year, reaching the finish line in a remarkable time of 3 days, 19 hours, and 26 minutes. Undoubtedly, this edition of the race was his hardest-fought one yet, as he faced strong competition throughout the entire event. Initially, Mattia de Marchi was one of his biggest rivals – more on that later – and in the middle part of the race, he had to relinquish the lead to Namibian rider Drikus Coetzee. Drikus stayed hot on his heels even after a break but had to abandon the race due to dehydration and a crash. It's unfortunate to drop out so close to the finish line. However, it worked in Justinas' favor as he had a comfortable lead over the second-placed Ulrich Bartholmös. Justinas always displayed his wry smile in every situation and never took himself too seriously, even when pushing his limits. It's certainly a winning recipe for such a challenging race. Hats off to him for an incredible ride!

Justinas knows the value of his M99 DY PRO dynamo front light in races like these: "No charging, nothing, just pedal – with the DY PRO, you always have light! The bright and wide beam definitely gave me a clear advantage: I could focus on the trail during nighttime descents and maintain speed."

"A calm" start with a spectacular comeback in the finale - Uba proves to be a wildcard

Ulrich "Uba" Bartholmös experienced a special rollercoaster ride, regardless of the elevation gain. In the second night, he found himself unexpectedly locked inside a guesthouse. To regain the lost time as quickly as possible, he improvised skillfully: in a daring move, he climbed down from a first-floor window with his bike and gear. Although Uba reacted swiftly, he lost valuable time and initially fell behind. Unwavering and with maximum effort, he managed to catch up with the top riders again on the third day. However, just 86 km before the finish line, Uba collided with a wild dog that unexpectedly crossed his path. The result: two broken ribs, along with bruises and scrapes. Nevertheless, he continued the race and ultimately secured a more than impressive second place. Truly remarkable!

Uba also relied on the M99 DY PRO during the AMR: "I had to conquer legendary sections like the Old Colonial Road in darkness – having reliable lighting that illuminates the trail well helps make the right decisions."

Mattia de Marchi undeterred despite double adversity

Mattia de Marchi, who is usually considered among the podium contenders in such races, also left a lasting impression. For the second year in a row, he faced the unfortunate fate of having to withdraw from the Atlas Mountain Race. After respiratory problems troubled him in 2023, this time his right knee refused to cooperate. It was especially bitter as he had looked forward to making a triumphant return to the Atlas Mountain Race after last year's setback. Initially, things seemed promising for him as he quickly positioned himself at the front and maintained a good pace. However, in ultra-long races, the winds can quickly change, subjecting participants to entirely new conditions. Mattia later admitted that he had to recognize his body was not capable of enduring such a demanding race in full competition mode at that time. It is all the more admirable that just a few days later, Mattia participated in a three-day stage race in Spain. There, by being present in the leading group, he once again demonstrated his rapid physical and mental recovery... and simply his extreme passion for cycling! Respect!!

And what else?

American Cynthia Carson crossed the finish line in Essaouira as the first woman. She engaged in an exciting duel with SUPERNOVA rider Nathalie Baillon, often riding in close proximity and frequently exchanging positions at the checkpoints. However, in the last 48 hours, Cynthia managed to build and maintain a lead. She reached the finish line in just under five days on Thursday, while Nathalie Baillon took just over five days. The last riders of the Atlas Mountain Race 2024 arrived late on Sunday evening. Daniel Townend finished with a two-hour lead before the final deadline at 9:51 pm, securing the position of the official Lanterne Rouge rider and the last place in the overall standings. Although he missed the final deadline by one hour, Andy Lingham also deserves special recognition. He was the last rider to complete the entire racecourse. 

Whether they succeeded or not, the highest recognition goes to everyone who took on the AMR! Thank you for this fantastic fourth edition! We are already looking forward to next year!


Photos: Nils Laengner

Text: Levin Sottru

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