With Supernova Airstream across the Alps


September 17, 2018


Supernova Sales employee Maximilian Franck crosses 25 passes between Lower Austria and South Tyrol as part of the Alprencross Tour.

25 years, 25 passes. For the 25th anniversary of his company, the owner of our Lower Saxony Premium dealers had Rad and Tour Cuxhaven Thorsten Larschow came up with a one-week racing bike tour through Austria's mountain landscape. The result is a motivated group of around 50 ambitious racing cyclists and half professionals. These include Maximilian Franck, one of our sellers at Supernova Lights. As his former Cuxhavenener trainer, company head Larschow had of course placed him on the list of party guests, among which many members from northern Germany bicycle industry frolicked.


NEWAirstream HBM Bracket on the racing bike: test passed!

Max has been supporting the sales team at Supernova since April 2016. Starting as an enthusiastic mountain biker and preferably on the trails in the Black Forest, he switched to a quick and light racing bike for the last tours. Of course the Supernova Airstream As a reliable racing bike lighting. Max has written on the flags for the tour in the Alps, the new handlebar holderAirstream HBM To test your alpine suitability on the racing bike. He has not been disappointed: thanks to the quick tensioner of the Airstream HBM He was able to take the headlight easily to take the headlight with the charging cable into the alpine huts.


Alprencross panoramic route for the racing bike

From the Austrian St. Pölten, the team put a total route of 864 km in seven stages to land at the Northern Italian Dolomites. So far so well, the experienced cyclist will imagine at this point, that is a little more than 120 km a day, so it is feasible. But the motto of the Supernova Premium dealers In memory: Up to its end point in Brixen in the Italian Aosta Valley, the Alpencross team covered 25 passports and 17,000 meters of altitude this week! And that with the heated temperatures of this year's summer ...

Also included was everything that makes the alpine heart beat faster: a nice height profile with enough 2000s, cozy alpine huts to put the tired limbs up after the exertion of the day, good food. The athletes were served the classic mountaineering menu: including the outstandingly beautiful summit panorama of the Dolomites and the bombastic view on the South Tyrolean Kronplatz.


Supernova Airstream As a daytime running light on the racing bike

The anniversary team was able to decide the racing bike tour almost without special incidents. Supernova Lights Seller Max reports of a crash by a passenger with the guardrail, an almost compound with a herd of cows and an extreme mood low after the German eleven were defeated at this year's World Cup.

The Supernova Airstream Max always left as a daytime running light for the racing bike. The high speeds on the racing bike can be denied much more securely if you are seen well by the other road users. A daytime running lights for racing cyclists are also useful for tunnel trips or shady mountain slopes! The racing bike lighting made Max possible to travel safely on the alpine slopes every day with daytime running lights.

And Max 'conclusion? That can be better dealt with on the thinly tireless racing bike at full throttle than at low speeds. That the effort was definitely made up for by the breathtaking views. And that a 600 g T-bone steak at the end of the hardships definitely represents an incentive for another racing bike trip.


Text: Myriel Hauser ι Image material: Maximilian Franck



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