SUPERNOVA achieves environmental certification according to ISO 14001
In August 2022, SUPERNOVA was awarded the prestigious environmental certificate ISO 14001 by TÜV Rheinland.
Companies accredited to the international ISO 14001 standard are considered environmentally sustainable and are committed to implementing environmental management in their operations. The ISO 14001 series of standards stipulates that environmental goals are set and responsibilities are assigned. Above all, the company must take appropriate measures and monitor their effectiveness on a regular basis. As Environmental Officer, Gregor Arndt, explains: "This way, we not only maintain our sustainability, but also constantly improve it.”
In what ways is sustainability implemented? SUPERNOVA has already been forging ahead with sustainability for many years. For example, the production facility in Gundelfingen uses only Greenpeace Energy from wind and hydropower, and all logistics are carbon neutral since 2014. The goal is to offset all emissions caused by the company by 2024. Our products are designed to be durable and repairable, the cables are free of PVC, and even the gas heating is powered by hydrogen produced in an environmentally-friendly manner. All company vehicles are electric and Supernova offers bikes to all employees for commuting.
Durch die neue Zertifizierung gibt SUPERNOVA diesem langjährigen Engagement eine formell anerkannte Basis, auf der die weiteren Umweltschutzaktivitäten des Unternehmens aufbauen können. CEO Marcus Wallmeyer merkt an: “Wir sind sehr stolz auf diesen ersten formellen Schritt und freuen uns auf den weiteren Fortschritt. Wenn wir dadurch auch andere inspirieren können, sich für die Umwelt einzusetzen, freut uns das umso mehr.”
Products with a long service life, up to 5 years warranty
All products come with CO2 neutral shipping, e.g. DHL GoGreen Plus
PVC free products and avoidance of plastic waste
Eco-stream & wind gas from Green Planet Energy
Fleet consists of E-vehicles or wheels
Environmentally friendly materials & recyclebare packaging