Supernova Lights donates to Plant-For-the-Planet


December 11, 2018


Supernova supports an initiative for afforestation to make the world greener for future generations.


Trees instead of gifts

For this year's Christmas season we came up with something special at Supernova: we do without Christmas gifts and instead contribute to combating climate change. For our future generations we will make the world a bit greener with 1,000 new trees! How it works? We support them Child and youth initiative Plant-for-the-Planetthat has been planting trees for our climate for eleven years.


The Children's and Youth Initiative Plant-for-the-Planet

The Plant-for-the-planet Founder is called Felix Finkbeiner and in the founding year 2007 he was just nine years old. Inspired by the Kenyan activist and Nobel laureate Wangari Maathai and her commitment to the Uhuru Park in Kenya, the student decides to set an example for environmental protection. The former Federal Environment Minister and Chairman of the UN Environment Programs (UNEP) Klaus Töpfer assumes the boy's idea of ​​the boy's idea. In 2008 Felix explains as a UNEP Junior Board Member in front of the EU Parliament: "Every Child Knows that it’s urgent to act" (every child knows that we urgently need to act).

Every Child Knows that it's urgent to act

A year later on theUNEP children's and youth conference In South Korea, Felix calls for his action and several hundred children from 56 countries storm the stage to support him in his cause. India, Ghana, Indonesia, Mexico, Germany - over 100,000 children's ambassadors are now involved in the whole worldPlant-for-the-planet in Felix ’tree mission for the climate.

Over 15 billion trees around the world are already going back to the initiative. With the scientists of Yale University, Felix von Plant-for-the-planet found that the earth is overgrown with 3,000 billion trees. His goal: plant another 1,000 billion trees and thus record a quarter of the people generated by humans. 150 trees per person must be added to the existing 450 trees. To see how many trees have been planted exactly to this day, visit the Tree meter On the website and convince yourself.


Plant a tree

Would you like to contribute to this goal? Then there are two options: do one Tree donation in your name! Give away one Tree voucher to another person who can be personally redeemed on the website. And talk about it!

You can find all further information about the projectHERE


Text: Myriel Hauser

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