Supernova Lights illuminates Central Asia


September 4, 2018


Round the whole world, stage for stage. Start every new trip at the end point of the previous one. Cologne - Istanbul, Istanbul - Tehran. These are the key data from Marc Maurer's bicycle adventure.

Actually, the Iranian capital would have been the starting point for its third big tour. But this time the Bombtrack Teamrider and enthusiastic supernova Lights decided on a different location and, including the bike and outdoor equipment, went on the bike packing tour to Central Asia.


Bike packing through Central Asia

Dushanbe, capital of Tajikistan and political, cultural and economic center of the Central Asian country. The city is located at 800 m south of the Hissar Mountains, which protrudes at heights of up to 4643 m above sea level. A good starting point for a bike packing tour that Marc loves. Because classic backpacking has long become too boring for him. Bike packing is already more adventurous, especially when you are traveling alone. Passionate traveler is the operator of a Cologne bike shop. The corner of the world has been on the travel list for a long time. And fear of unknown people stays within healthy limits in the native of South German.


“In the beginning, when I drove along the Afghan border for days, the whole military checkpoints were always always exciting. At first I was always nervous, for no reason, the soldiers were all totally nice and interested ... "


Tian Shan Hochgebirge, which is up to 7439 meters of altitude, along the Afghan border and further on the foothills of China to the Kyrgyz capital Bischkek, which is already in the immediate vicinity of the neighboring country Kazakhstan in northern Kyrgyzstan. Marcs Route leads, among other things, over the Pamir Highway, known among travelers. This mountain pass has been leading its walkers on holey gravel roads through the mountainous landscape of Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan since the 19th century and was only maintained in times of the Soviet regime. In terms of landscape, deep mountain gorges alternate between snow -loaded mountain ranges with endless expanses, which relentlessly offer space to live out the diverse moods of the weather. When encounters with other people, whether locals or travelers, are stopped and chatted. Not only are stories exchanging, also valuable tips regarding the next water source or for food supplies. And every encounter is different, in its own kind.


“Not far from the Kumtor Goldmine in Kyrgyzstan, two shepherds came to horses on horses, with Kalashnikovs on my back. Of course I was a bit intimidated because of the machine guns, but the two were totally nice and as a non -smoker I had to smoke a cigarette with them. Hands were of course shaken to say goodbye. I found that one of the two had two complete thumb on the right hand. I spoke to him about it, but he couldn't speak English, I no Kyrgyz. It later turned out that due to an accident with the chemical cyanid, the salt of the hydrocyanic acid, in which gold mine was contaminated and the people have caused malformations ... "


He had been warned that in summer it could get very crowded on parts of the route. But apart from some other travelers, various animal herds, a rolling hotel with crazy Germans and from time to time children and shepherds on the way, his impressions of beneficial loneliness, extreme physical exertion and the prevailing nature are determined.

Marc Maurer via Supernova Lights

This is why Marc is particularly grateful for his equipment. Not only his bomb track and its outdoor clothes and bike bags supported him in his project. His supernova headlights were also loyal companions in the mountains.


“I was with thatE3 Triple 2 as well as theE3 Tail Light 2 traveling. The front spotlight is not approved on German roads, but luckily nobody is interested in Tajik and Kyrgyz streets ... I was and am super happy with this lamp setup. The headlight served me in particular in the field and I was and I was still totally enthusiastic about the power of these headlights. Otherwise I'll drive thatE3 Pure 3 Fronding and likes the illumination, the size and brightness. These are the first experiences with Supernova products and I am totally thrilled! I hope it's not the last experiences that I will make with Supernova Lights ;-) "

A Journey Beyond II: Bikepacking to experience the company

Marc estimates that 3,500 km and over a total of 50,000 meters of altitude. The difference to previous tours: the long time in the high mountains, at a constant height between 2,500 to 4,500 m. Not for everyone. But Marc hasn't regretted it.
You can impressively in the short documentationA Journey Beyond II Removing, already the second production of the Cologne bike smithy Bombtrack Bicycles via Marc. The intoxicating recordings captivate you and alternate with the relentless reporting on the digestive problems of a cycling traveler, which Marc shares as unfiltered as well as the daily heights and depths of his emotional travel experience. Attention: It is warned that immediate travel fever can break out!


"I just want to ride a bike, look at the world and have fun with it," Marc Maurer


Text: Myriel Hauser ι Quotes: Marc Maurer ι Image material: Timo Seidel


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